Note that I'm looking for maximum usability so fancy look and skins support are just bloated additions for me. Same for emoticons, twitter/facebook/shit-o-thing integration/etc.
Stock keyboard.
It's not perfect but enough.
Samsung keyboard.
Buggy and based on many hard-coded values (won't work correctly on custom screen denisity).
Feature | Android builtin | Samsung builtin | TouchPal | Swype+Dragon | SwiftKey |
Cost | free | free1 | free | 4$ | 2$ |
Hand-writing support | +++2 | N/A | + | N/A | |
Swype-to-type3 | + | + | + | + | |
Voice input shortcut | + | +4 | *7 | +4 | |
Multilang mixed input | *8 | + BiLingual | + BiLingual | + multilang? | |
Words prediction | + | + | + | + | |
Navigation keys | - | + | + | *5 | |
Size | 20MB +data(0.5M) |
50MB +data(10MB) |
60MB +data(on SD, 10MB) |
Easy access to extended characters | +9 | +6 | ++ | +6 | |
Annoying |
Unique features |
Version used | | | | ||
Link to the market | TouchPal X keyboard from Cootek | Swype+Dragon from Nuance | SwiftKey from SwiftKey |
1Free on Samsung phones
2Samsung keyboard has really nice pressure sensitive hand writing recognition
3I guess that "swype" word might be protected by some patents...
4Integrated as long-press of another key
5SwiftKey has limited support for navigation keys: only left&right
6Access to special characters through single-lined list - multirow table would be better
7Nuance Swype is using Dragon recognition which works online only and is a bit worse than Google speech recognition - although Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking is great on PC
8Samsung Keyboard offers quick language change instead if multilang support but overall I like it
9Samsung keyboard offers language-dependent list of special characters - after you get used to it, it get's quite handy
Overall I must say that I like TouchPal the most. And it's free :)
Samsung for s-pen hand-writing input, TouchPal for anything else, Swype was a waste of money for me, SwiftKey has great float mode.
Android - I must fill the columns some day :)
Samsung for s-pen hand-writing input, TouchPal for anything else, Swype was a waste of money for me, SwiftKey has great float mode.
Android - I must fill the columns some day :)